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0333 3440 778 - info@hyde-house.co.uk

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call us on 0333 3440 778 or email: info@hyde-house.co.uk
Sell an equipment rental business with our expert help
If you are looking to sell an equipment rental or hire business, we can provide expert help based on industry-specific knowledge and experience and help you sell your business for maximum value.
Hyde House delivers a bespoke business sales advisory service that is always based on experience and expertise. With notable success in managing the sales process of rental/hire businesses, the guidance and support we will provide throughout the entire sales process will help you achieve the maximum selling price for your rental/hire business, and reach a successful completion on the best possible terms.
Connecting you with the right buyer for your rental/hire business
By taking a dynamic approach to identifying potential buyers, Hyde House will find the right buyer for your business. Rather than using passive advertising methods, credible buyers are instead actively sought out using an in-house research model. Hyde House also makes use of an extensive network of corporate finance and deal-making professionals when making discreet but direct approaches to suitable and qualified merger targets.
Providing an affordable, partner-led expert service
As a boutique business broker, Hyde House is able to take an authoritative and thoroughly hands-on approach to deal management whilst remaining affordable. With all business sales actively managed at every single stage by a senior partner, all guidance and support provided is personalised and direct, providing considerable piece of mind to owners whilst they continue to manage their business effectively. The combination of our tailored approach to business sales with the industry-specific knowledge of a senior partner adds substantial value to any transaction.
Testimonial: Professional film equipment hire
“Hyde House introduced us to a range of potential buyers and helped us to understand the advantages of the differing offers. Having chosen our merger partner our broker, Barry, moved the deal forwards helping us to manage the due diligence process and drive the deal to completion. We are happy that both the exit and businesses legacy has been secured on the best terms.”
Talk to Hyde House about the sale of your rental business
Take advantage of our free consultation and valuation session to receive expert advice on the sellability, value and the potential routes to exit of your equipment rental business.
To arrange a consultation or to simply talk to an adviser about the possibility of a sale.
0333 3440 778