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A full advisory service covering all aspects of selling a business for maximum value.
Exit strategy and business sale preparation services.
Hyde House provides a full advisory service around all aspects of selling a business for maximum value.
This includes the necessary pre-sale advice that is translated into the overall Exit Plan and business sale marketing strategy.
No two businesses are the same and consequently no two business sales or exit strategies can be the same.
All of our expert guidance is engineered on a totally bespoke basis for each individual client and based on the desired outcome and objectives of the client.
For most business owners selling their business is a once in a lifetime event and for many people it is a very emotional and complex experience.
With this in mind any preparation that will help improve the speed and efficiency of the transaction is a worthwhile investment.
Exit Planning – being ready to sell your business for all its worth
An ‘Exit Plan’ or ‘Exit Strategy’ is a term often used to describe the process of preparing to sell your business at a date say 18 months to even up to 5 years into the future.
This term or process can often be overhyped as, like most things in business, creating a project or strategy can be straightforward with expert help and guidance from a professional advisor. Making a business ‘game ready’ to sell will link directly into the technical procedure of selling a business and hence the Exit Plan is usually prepared by a business broker / corporate finance advisor.
What is typically explored in an exit strategy?
The process will involve a comprehensive fact find that will not only generate a detailed information document but also will begin to address and answer the following questions:
Who are we preparing the business to be sold to? E.g.
The incumbent management team?
A trade buyer?
A competitor?
An external investor?
An incoming management team?
Preparing the business to fit straight away with the requirements of a prospective buyer is key.
What type of financially structured transaction are we seeking? E.g.
Selling 100% of the business
Selling a majority share of the business
Cash day 1 only
Debt free and cash free
Working Capital Peg
Cash and structured payments depending on performance
Leveraged Buy Out (LBO)
The type of buyer and maturity of the business will impact the deal structure that Hyde House will strive to make tax efficient (see Entrepreneurs relief).
Should the business buy other companies before its own exit? Organic growth can often slow or even plateau.
What are the growth expectations?
Can the business grow more rapidly through acquisitions?
Will the acquisitions embed greater value?
Consolidating some of the market place often makes a business more attractive to larger players in the same sector or synergistic sectors.
As well as looking externally to the potential market place the Exit Plan will also address internal business issues such as structure, reporting and documentation and for example measurement against KPIs.
From what territory will the buyer come? Can the business be attractive outside of the UK markets? E.g.
Is the business being sold attractive to emerging market companies?
Is the business a potential steppingstone into a lucrative UK market place?
Where does the business compete internationally?
Accessing international markets can often increase the value of a business sale.
Hyde House has a track record of selling into international markets and is internationally networked.
Talk to an exit planning expert today
Discuss your exit plans with an expert advisor call 0333 3440 778 or complete the form above to request a call back.
All consultations are held on a no obligation basis and are completely confidential, your details will never be passed to any third party under any circumstance.
Receive expert advice on your exit strategy.
Gain an understanding of the potential value of your business.
Advice on improving business value.