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0333 3440 778 - info@hyde-house.co.uk

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03333440778 - info@hyde-house.co.uk
Download our guide to selling a business
Download: Free guide to selling a business for maximum value
The purpose of this guide is to enable anyone selling a business to gain a basic insight into the complex process, the options available to them and how to make informed corporate decisions about selling.
Hyde House provides access to a fully advised selling process through an experienced and successful business broking service.
What are your options?
What is a business broker?
What are the different types of broker?
What do business brokers charge?
How is a business valued?
How much is your business worth?
Common mistakes that business owners make.
How to sell a business for maximum value.
What is an exit strategy?
The process of selling a business.
The process of selling a business.
A useful glossary of common terms.