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0333 3440 778 - info@hyde-house.co.uk

Buying a business Frequently Asked Questions
Learn how we go about identifying acquisition targets, raise acquisition finance and complete the purchase of businesses for entrepreneurs' and investors.
1. How does Hyde House identify acquisition targets?
Having taken a full brief from the client, Hyde House undertakes extensive research of the specific business sector and identifies targets within the parameters that may be appropriate to contact. We then make contact with decision makers within those businesses to establish whether they may be open to discussions relating to a potential transaction. Having identified a shortlist of appropriate businesses, Hyde House will engage in meetings to establish the likelihood of a good fit and will begin negotiations.
The Process of buying a business
2. What about Finance for the transaction?
Hyde House is connected to a number of different financial institutions and is able to structure finance for acquisitions.
Hyde House can help you access funding for your business ventures.
Raising acquisition finance
3. What if the target is based overseas?
Hyde House is connected through its own network of professionals and is able to secure acquisitions globally.
4. What is the fee arrangement?
A commitment fee is agreed up front and the majority of the fee is paid on results. Once an acquisition is made the completion fee becomes due.
5. Why Hyde House?
We have an established track record in making acquisitions for clients and a proven and successful methodology.
To acquire businesses with a turnover of £1m -£20m contact us today on.
0333 3440 778 - info@hyde-house.co.uk