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Business Services, Residential services, Industrials, Consumer and Healthcare Services Businesses Wanted for Acquisition.
Registered Buyer
Sector Agnostic
Business Location
Acquisition Criteria
Stable and growing business, positive free cash-flow and £1m - £5m of EBITDA.
Sectors of interest:
Business services
Residential services
Consumer and healthcare services
Seeking businesses with an excellent reputation in their respective sectors and a loyal and diverse customer base.
Self funded buyers able to facilitate transactions with:
Owners looking for a partner to continue to grow
Sellers looking to transition out

About the buyer
A pair of etnerpreuners with a background in Telecom/ Tech and Business services.
Relatively agnostic about the specific industry and are open minded.
The characteristics they are looking for more generally are fragmented industries, underpinned by secular tailwinds, and a company that has a strong reputation in its sector. Although they want to avoid companies with exposure to the construction sector.
Get connected with this buyer: 03333440778 / info@hyde-house.co.uk
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